Do you fear what I fear?

Love doesn’t come the way it once did: a loud patron pushing open an unhinged door and allowing in the evening’s bluster, announcing the need for a seat though no reservation shows on the books. Love isn’t invited the way it once was: by an exposed and impressionable hostess granting not permission but giving always … Continue reading

Dear Lover, Do you fear what I fear?

Love doesn’t come the way it once did: a loud patron pushing open an unhinged door and allowing in the evening’s bluster, announcing the need for a seat though no reservation shows on the books. Love isn’t invited the way it once was: by an exposed and impressionable hostess granting not permission but giving always … Continue reading

Divorce and Death: What Was, What Could Have Been

I imagined sitting in a lawyer’s office giving depositions to finalize my divorce would be nothing less than tortuous. Have you been separated for more than a year? Yes. Is there any chance for reconciliation? No. How could such questions—monotonous and unnervingly devoid of emotion—not cause me to collapse in sorrow? Two reasons. These final … Continue reading