The Power of Truth

Within each day, I come to countless crossroads when I must choose whether to respond authentically.

Some critical. “Mommy, why did you pick me up late?”Ruth and Nasir Halloween

Others mundane. “What time did you wake up this morning, honey?”

I sometimes struggle to say what represents my actual thoughts or experience.

“Ruth, we talked about what to include in the proposal. Are you getting mixed messages from me?”

In two out of these three instances, I kept my response in the context of what I knew to be true.

Telling my son I got caught up in work, not leaving until I knew I’d be late, wasn’t easy. It would be simpler to say I didn’t mean to or I couldn’t help it. Sharing with him how my day went allowed me to show him a part of me he otherwise wouldn’t see.

My VP wondered if she sent mixed messages. I briefly considered taking the blame and telling her I must’ve misunderstood. Instead, I let her know there was disconnect between what she said in our first meeting and the committee presentation we were preparing to give. She later apologized for flustering me before a big meeting, and I asked if we could revisit the message we were trying to convey.

The temptation exists to mask what I think, or my personal experience, in favor of responding auspiciously or creating a false impression.

Each choice to disguise myself for another’s benefit decreases my credibility and confidence and degrades what could otherwise be a meaningful exchange.

Wanting to make myself seem hyper productive, I told my boyfriend I woke up at my usual time. I didn’t let him know I slept in until I absolutely had to wake up for work, neglecting to finish my reading.

I missed the opportunity to do what I request of him—to be honest about the small things so we can build trust about the big things. I opted to reinforce an image of myself as an early riser and an overachiever, rather than reveal a softer and more vulnerable side.

To avoid morphing myself to suit the likes and demands of others, I must sync what I think, what I say and what I do.

In this instance, I have options—decide being hyper productive isn’t important (what I think), willingly admit my capability to procrastinate(what I say) or wake up early (what I do).

These examples may be minor, but the underlying tendency is significant.

I must approach these crossroads with integrity, willing to unveil my true thoughts and experiences, unconcerned about reinforcing images or creating ideals.

Through first-hand experience, I realize some people act out entire lives incongruent with what they think and say.

Without succumbing to fear of being fooled by the mask someone wears, I choose to pay particular attention to my own responses. Sensitive to the power of truth, I trust my intention will act to unveil the authenticity of others.

One Response to “The Power of Truth”
  1. Dave Huynh says:

    regardless of what time you wake up each day, I’ll still love you more and more no matter what!

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